Michael S. – Beechcraft 58 Baron TKS Testimonial

28th August 2017

Michael S. lives in West Virginia and primarily flies up and down the East Coast, from New York to Florida. He is the owner of a 1988 Beechcraft 58 Baron with FIKI-certified TKS Ice Protection.

How did you get started in aviation?

I took a flying lesson in 1994. From then on I was hooked.

Why did you choose TKS?

I met someone who had TKS. They said it was great, so I installed it on the A36 Bonanza in 1996 and loved it. Then I got a Baron which had boots. 11 years ago, I got TKS when I repainted and got a new interior for the Baron. I always wanted to put it on, I was just waiting for the right time.

What did TKS do for your mission?

It has allowed me to do missions I would not have, and gets me out of icing situations where boots did not do as good of a job.

Have you had any memorable experiences with TKS?

Having to go to 18,000 feet to get out of icing, yeah. I had a dangerous situation with boots but never with the TKS.

Have you flown in aircraft with other ice protection system(s)?

Yes, my Baron had boots. TKS is a gazillion times better.

Learn More About the FIKI Certified Beechcraft Baron


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