Paul Johnson lives in Wisconsin and flies throughout the Upper Midwest, Northwest and Southeast regions. He owns a 1973 Beechcraft A36 Bonanza equipped with inadvertent TKS Ice Protection, which he has been flying for over 7 years.
How did you get started in aviation?
In 1978, I obtained my private license in Virginia. Currently I have commercial multi-instrument with seaplane and glider/motorglider ratings.
Why did you choose TKS?
Living in Wisconsin, icing is common at least six months a year. I have always tried to err on the side of safety to avoid getting into an inadvertent icing situation without a backup plan. TKS has provided that backup plan on several occasions, including one memorable flight to Milwaukee in February that resulted in preventing ice buildup on all treated surfaces, while more than a quarter-inch accumulated during the approach on untreated surfaces.
What does TKS do for your mission?
It only takes one experience to realize the potential lifesaving benefits of having TKS onboard at all times.