One of the great pleasures of my job is being there to watch aircraft owners’ faces as they approach their baby for the first time after we have completed a TKS installation. Another pleasure is listening to the comments on the craftsmanship as the initial inspection progresses. Those aircraft owners know that we put a tremendous amount of work into the installation but are often not exactly sure what that work was.
From my experience reading the posts at BeechTalk (see the TKS Installation threads here and here ) aircraft owners are very interested in the work that goes into the installation.
This blog will blend photographs from a few TKS installations to give the best overview we can of the work and parts that take a Bonanza like this:
adds in a little of this:
to give us this:
Please note that the following pictures and descriptions do not necessarily happen in sequence. While there are steps that must happen sequentially, many of the work items can be done in parallel.
The next post on the Bonanza TKS installation can be found here.