Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Providing military, private and civilian applications for exploration, telecoms, surveillance, public safety, and recreation, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) market is experiencing significant development and growth.
Intrinsically no different from other “light aircraft”, UAVs are similarly limited in size, power and operating environment and must balance the intended mission of the aircraft with such performance limitations.
Yet unlike manned aircraft, which can manually avoid icing encounters, UAV’s must be equipped with an autonomous ice protection system to prevent ice accretion.
Providing anti-ice and de-ice protection, TKS has been specifically adapted for UAV application. Equipped with an in-flight ice detection system, it autonomously activates the dispersal of TKS fluid to break the bond of any accumulated ice and prevent further accretion across the airfoil.
TKS for UAVs can clear ice at lower airspeeds and will withstand prolonged periods at altitudes that exceed the icing envelope. Designed to be lightweight and maintain natural laminar flow, it preserves the intended performance of the vehicle and minimise any undesirable reduction in fuel capacity.
Preserves Natural Laminar Flow
Operates at low air speeds with low aerodynamic loads
Withstands long endurance cold soaks
Defence & Security Programmes
CAV’s TKS ice protection system abides by flight readiness and airworthiness requirements and has been designated on several medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) UAV defence and security programmes including:
Find out more about how CAV can assist in the design and integration of your UAV’s ice protection systems.